BF4:日本一綺麗なAIM? 更なる前線崩壊フラグムービー

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先日、yamato-_-reimari氏による『BATTLEFIELD 4(バトルフィールド 4)』の前線崩壊フラグムービーを紹介しましたが、それに対し、「RelaAIM」と呼ばれる跳びはねるようなAIMに関して「多分日本一綺麗だと思われるプレイヤー」のフラグムービーが2つ送られてきました。


This is Japanese Rela.Some FFA Frags in three days

【BF4】HDD FFA emptying(Version for mobliles in description) Fragmovie


【GMV】Bi☣hazard x Battlefield4【FRAGMOVIE】



HDD FFA emptying (Version for mobiles in description)


Harumaki氏、zelunyan氏が所属するチーム「CarryMe」は、BF4日本一を決める大会「JCG Battlefield 4 Premier 2015 Winter グループリーグ」にてベスト4進出。そして、11月22日(日)、18時から開催される準決勝に出場予定とのこと。

今回のプレミアのベスト4進出チームは、DetonatioNBYCM、EAST SOLDIER GAMING、Lily of the Valley、CarryMeという日本屈指の4チームであり、非常にレベルの高い試合となりそうです。

「JCG Premier 2015 Winter 決勝トーナメント Day2」のニコニコ生放送Twitch


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コメント一覧 (31件)

  • Why we are so sensitive to it?
    Just come to Japan. Take train, and you'll see Yakuzas(pachinkos), Korean imbeciles' illegal gambling companies evvrywhere in Japan. The money flows into North Korea, who kidnapps normal Japanese. So stop watching hentais (Korean-made porns), and tell this to Pentagon. You are feeding your enemy just like you feed ISIS.

  • Your marketing has fundamental flaw. No kids or children (or adults of course) deems "Korean imbeciles you hire and feed with cheattools and game prizes" are heroes or friends, or EVEN JAPANESE. They are annoying Amerikan matts.

  • And there are their kind of servers, that are anti-socialistic. I hate to see them, but everytime I search they appear, and you do nothing to them. Nobody want play with those thugs, and hence YOU feed them which is apparent, FPS population will never be over 50000. All play MGS or Destiny( which are way mediocre).

  • See? It adds the vast minus image. Stop thinking we cant tell Koreans to Japanese. I can tell 1/8 Korean Japanese to Japanese. You can tell German to Russian, dont you?

  • Dice, I sincerely recommend divorce those Korean bastards. Those include Bycm, Dustelbox, neo-imoninja, and all those APPARENT CHEATERS. We avoid playing FPS because they are there. I quit BF4 for the same reason.

    Why? Because 100% Japanese knows the fact, that those Korean infidels have concern with Yakuza, Japanese mafias. And player of FPS are deemed "queer guys" unlike other countries.

  • そもそも、我々の感覚的に、相手の前線を簡単に突破できるのはおかしいという事は既に知れ渡っている事で、何かこういう事が起きるという事は何らかの形でチートを使っているという事しか分からない。日本の子供は馬鹿ではない(笑)。こんなのをアップロードしたりもてはやしても、恥ずかしいだけであり、FPS人口は漸減するだけである。

    Why don't you understende такой симпличиный факт?

  • FPSは朝鮮ヤクザと関係しているだろ?その手下の半グレみたいなのがヒーロー?


  • 2222222222222 C • 18時間前



    共有 ›

    2222222222222 C • 18時間前


    DICE, do you think we can't tell Korean-Narisumashi-Japs and normal Japanese?
    You can tell Slavs to Germans, don't you? They have total different mentality( or stupidity).

    DICE, we actually hate those Korean (DUstel box, bysim, or other friends in SNS).
    They are Korean cheaters you bleed. We never ever want them.
    We have fun in game. They destroy games and say "Im strong by USA doping!" on the internet.
    Why we so hate them? Ofcourse, they are related to pachinko gambling, and Yakuza, Japanese mafias.

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